Construction tape and adhesive

Construction tape and adhesive from CTA. We supply the construction industry with numerous types of tape and adhesive, from two part structural adhesive, epoxies and anchor fixings to high performance double sided tapes and structural acrylic tapes. There are many different application within the construction industry that require tapes and adhesives. If you are looking to bond, glue or adhere a metal to metal (Stainless Steel, Aluminium or Galvanised Steel) or metal to a dissimilar material i.e. (composite or engineered plastic) please contact our technical team for further assistance.

Construction tape and adhesive applications

Below are a couple of case studies and product links to show the variety and capabilities of our tape and adhesive within the construction industry.


Construction tape and adhesive

Architectural Cladding / Facades

When producing cladding panels some companies use structural adhesive or structural tape to bond stiffeners and top hat sections to the back of the panels. This could be pre or post powder coat depending on the customers preferred production methods. Similar methods could also be applied when producing GRP panels.

Two Part Structural Adhesive 2105

Structural acrylic tapes


GRP Mouldings

Within the construction industry there are a number of GRP composite products produced to replicate Chimneys / Dormer win

dow roofs/ Entrance portico roofs / Doors / Storage units and many other similar items.

Reinforced GRP polyurethane adhesive

Two Part Structural Adhesive 2105

Panel Bonding

When constructing an insulation panel either with aluminium or GRP, the insulation is usually bonded in with a polyurethane adhesive.

Two part polyurethane adhesive 22782

Contact Adhesive

Anchor fixings

CTA are soon launching a comprehensive range of anchor fixing adhesives and epoxy resins. Please contact us for further information?

Anchor Fixing chemical adhesive

These are just a few of the applications using tape and adhesive within the construction industry that CTA currently offer. Please contact us if you have a requirement. Also please be aware that specific formulations can be produced for unique application for Construction tape and adhesive.