Fibreglass adhesive glue

Fibreglass adhesive glue is an acrylic two part adhesive technologically advanced in its composition. Suitable for a variety of applications within the composites and GRP industry such as bonding composite and fibreglass sections and positioning metal brackets and locators to name but a few.  This product is also widely used when bonding all types of plastics and metals.

Their are two products in this range:

2105 – 5 minute open time (12 minute fixture time). The advantage of the quick set time is ideal for bonding small and medium parts.

2120 – 20 minute open time (40 minute fixture time). The advantage of being slightly slower set time is for a larger bond area.


Innovative fibreglass adhesive technology


CTA’s innovative technology in fibreglass glue means that our two part structural adhesive 2105 is also suitable for composites or metal brackets to GRP / FRP composite structures. For bonding metal to composites, 2105 obtains a higher shear strength than the composite layers, therefore achieving a structural bond between the metal and the composite panel. It is an excellent engineering and manufacturing adhesive.

If you wish bond thin fibreglass or plastic sections without worrying about problems such as “read through” or distortion of the bonded panels you may be interested in our 2206 structural adhesive which has very low shrinkage.

For further details and to order online or contact us.