Thread lockers and bearing lockers

Thread lockers and bearing lockers


We stock a huge range of thread lockers and bearing lockers and also are a major importer of the Hernon Nuts N’ Bolts range. Each product has its own use and we’ll break that down here for you now.


CTA Industrial threadlockers

These are our own high-performance thread-locking fluids that are applied to the threads of screws, bolts and other fasteners. They prevent loosening of the fastener and also can prevent leakage and corrosion. These anaerobic lockers cure in the absence of oxygen between close fitting metal parts.

See and purchase our CTA Industrial threadlockers


CTA Industrial locker retainers

Our locker letainers are high-performance anaerobic retaining compounds. They have been designed for bonding cylindrical components, including bearings, pulleys, gears and shafts. They provide excellent protection against loosening, leakage and corrosion due to thermal expansion, vibration and shock.

See and purchase our CTA Industrial locker retainers


Hernon brand threadlockers

Hernon Nuts N' Bolts theadlocker range

We are also the UK and European distributor for Hernon Manufacturing Inc., so if you are looking to purchase anything from their wide range of products, we can help. They have a wide array of thread lockers under their Nuts N’ Bolts range here.


We’re pretty sure we have all bases covered with our diverse range of thread and bearing lockers, but if you have a specific use case that isn’t covered or you’d like some advice on, then let us know here or give us a call on the number above.